
I plan to post topics regarding trends in distance education, as well as other information that pertains to enabling learners learn in a "non-traditional" environment!

Monday 14 May 2012

"Ten O'Clock Postman"

What better way to start off a blog about technology in education than to post an early 80s Europop music video?

Even though the 80s don't seem that distant to me, this track is now 30 years old.  If you listen closely to the lyrics, the song is generally about the singer eagerly waiting at home for the postman to deliver a letter from a new love.  Would this happen in today's world?  Are we that patient in 2012?

Imagine if this was to be recorded today.  What would be some sample titles? "Ten O'Clock Text Message"?  "Ten O'Clock BBM"?  "Ten O'Clock Tweet?"  "Ten O'Clock DM"?  "Ten O'Clock Post"? "Ten O'Clock Email"?  "Ten O'Clock Facetime"?  Times and technology have certainly changed.

Now the question is how can we use technological advances - whether it be teaching learners in schools or universities, training business people in the corporate world, or adult learners with an interest to just learn something new and different - to further understanding and expedite learning?  If communicating can become so instant with advances in education, does the same learning curve apply to learning using or via technology?  This blog will attempt to educate the reader with what's new and current in education focusing on modes of distance education and issues surrounding being an "online learner".

Turn up the volume and enjoy.


  1. Ha! I'm thinking 10 o'clock tweet would be a great title for a song -- let's fire up the group -- we must have musicians among us! Of course, the clock (or, at least, the wristwatch) is fading as a timekeeping device too, so we may need to capture that in the title! "Checking my iPhone for a 10 o'clock tweet". Hmmmm. Needs work.

    I like your approach to this, Faron. Looking forward to playing with ideas!

  2. I've been known to get in front of a mic (karaoke -- not good) so watch what you wish for! :) I only do this when I am in Europe - I get up, belt out, and leave the country!

    Interesting observation re: wristwatch. I haven't had one in over 10 years!

    And --- "Checking My iPhone for a 10 o'clock tweet" would definitely work.

  3. Love the post Faron. What a cool vibe, it really takes me back to the 80's! Interesting to note that we still have postmen. Sometimes new technologies replace and sometimes they just coexist. Kind of like chalk and overheads, almost dead yet still lingering, or perhaps more like that moldy cheese at the back of my fridge. ;)

  4. As a math teacher, no matter what technologies I have, I will NEVER give up my chalkboard!!!! :)
